dr. george davis senior center
For over a decade, Dr. George W. Davis had a vision of creating an Aging Campus for seniors in San Francisco’s Bayview Hunters Point District. MWA assisted Dr. Davis with the initial concept for his vision. As the project became a reality, Dr. Davis asked that MWA design a Senior Center to replace one that the community had outgrown.
We sought to design a vibrant space that is a hub of activity for this newly created community. We wanted to further Bayview Senior Services goal of retaining, “… the values of a community village that elders from historically Southern Black communities have brought to the Bayview, creating their own small town with people who have known each other for decades.”
San Francisco, CA
Bayview Senior Services
15,000 SF
LEED Platinum
2017 American Institute of Architects California Council Residential Design Award of Merit
2017 National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, Agency Award of Excellence – Community Revitalization Category
Bruce Damonte
The goal was to create an accessible and welcoming center that would endure many years of active use.
The amenities include a multi-use communal room that hosts music and educational events. Other spaces in this active facility include a gift shop that sells items made by the seniors; a café; art room; computer room; meditation room dedicated to Dr. Davis; large meeting/exercise rooms; a large commercial kitchen; conference rooms; along with staff and case management offices.
Dr. Davis was fond of billiards, which led to a pool table being a central focus of the space.